Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Friday, October 01, 2004

My kingdom for a garter

You know how sometimes one little thing will just put a damper on your whole day? Like someone being extra-jerky on the bus or discovering that you're out of your favorite breakfast cereal when you wake up starving? My "thing" today is my socks. My socks keep creeping down my ankles and wedging themselves under my heel. It's like they're trying to hide or something. And no, I wasn't so stupid that I picked out the dead pair and am now totally shocked that they suck. They're in that tricky in-between stage where they look and feel fine, but they're so totally not. They're clearly on their last legs (heh); I just wish I'd known that before committing to them for the day. GAH!

Sometimes I wish I had cameras set up throughout my house, "Newlyweds"-style, to capture those funny moments that can never be done justice during the post-moment retelling. Like yesterday, when the cat came tearing into the kitchen from the hallway, fully intending to leap up onto the kitchen table, and then realized mid-stride that the table was full of stuff, so he reared back and skidded to a halt! On his butt and hind legs! Just like in the cartoons! Hee!…see? Less funny now than it was then.

I'm glad I work in an office where people have a sense of humor. I almost guffawed out loud yesterday when I read a new review of this 3-in-1 gadget that combines an MP3 player, a digital still camera, and a camcorder into a tiny package the size of a Bic lighter. We have to include a "who is it for" blurb in each review, and this one read, "Gadget hounds; fans of convergence products; spies." Hee…I couldn't stop thinking about the spies in "Spy vs. Spy" tiptoeing around, snapping their fingers while grooving to sneaky spy tunes.


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