Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Monday, June 21, 2004

Will work for ego boost

This job search is starting to become a little disheartening. I send out multiple resumes and cover letters every day, each one tailored to the job description, I wait patiently by the phone, and...nothing. Not a single phone call. The only e-mail responses I've received are automated messages thanking me for my submission and letting me know they'll be in touch if they're interested. It seems they're not interested.

The frustrating part is that, based on the job descriptions, I know I could do at least half of them with my editing hand tied behind my back. And I also know that if I could just land an interview, I would nail it. I'm beginning to wonder if my career detour in New Haven is hurting me.

I'm trying to not take this all personally. It's difficult, though, knowing how good you are (and not in an egotistical way), but not being able to convey it well enough to entice someone to call.

And on an entirely different note...
Is this wedding planning business supposed to be fun? Chris and I had a long discussion (read: argument) over the weekend about what kind of wedding to have (or whether to even have one) and how much money is reasonable to spend. I'm still having a hard time processing the thought of spending $X on a single day. In fact, should anyone ask, I'd be embarassed to tell them our budget. But apparently my mom has long known how much it would cost. When I told her our initial thoughts on a budget, she laughed her ass off and told me not to be cheap. The amount she expects to contribute (we're splitting the cost three ways with both sets of parents) is nearly our entire initial budget! This would all be easier, of course, if I had income.

Sorry to be such a downer today.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Julie said...

On the upside, you get most of that money back via wedding gifts :)


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