Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Grab bag!

Man, my brain is just all over the place this week. Let's treat it like a grab bag and see what we come up with!

1. Every day, I pass the Funky Door bikram yoga studio on my way to work. If you don't already know, bikram is hot-room yoga. My mind automatically rearranges the letters so that I see "Funky Odor Yoga." You know it's true.
2. Oh, god. Just…no.
3. I took a different bus to work today. If you live in SF, you'll understand what I mean when I say today's bus (the 1bx express) is the "richy rich" bus line, compared to my normal 38L, express bus o' the masses. There is a marked difference not only in the way people look/dress, but in their demeanor. People on the 1 are so damn polite! And quiet! The 38 always has its crazy folk, with the drunkenness and the stinkiness and the yelling. Even though riding the 1 line means I don't normally have to worry about being talked up by the crazy guy*, I think I prefer the 38. It's a hell of a lot more interesting.
4. J.J. Abrams is pulling my puppet strings. I can't stop watching Lost, even as I expect to be sorely disappointed. Either he'll string us along for too long or the tree-stomping, pilot-mauling (but not eating!) thing will be something incredibly stupid. Either way, I'll have to put on my pissy face. But for now, I'm hooked. Do you really think it could really be the Iron Giant?! Oh, and thank you J.J. for Daniel Dae Kim. I love him, even if he is a jerk on the show.

*I sat next to a real-life Gollum/Smeagol on the 38 one day. This guy would rant in a deep, angry voice about "kill[ing] them all!!" and "let[ting] them burn in heeeell!!" and then switch to a gravelly, high-pitched voice to wheeze, "Peeeace! Peeeace!" I think he had some anger management issues.


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

I am so with you on J.J. Abrams. I am concerned about the letdown. But man, after last night, how does he manage to thrill you and then bring you to tears, without laying on too much cheese? I should not be surprised, after the success of Felicity and Alias. But so help me, If this THING turns out to be something stupid, then it's going to be stupid beyond belief, all around.

My husband and I think that they are in some bizarro Bermuda Triangle--hence the polar bear in the jungle, the whole business with the tape being played over and over. What do you think?

The guy who plays the totally combustible angry loudmouth--the one who shot the FBI agent--he reminds me of Han Solo. To wit: See his use of the term "sweetheart" in a cocky, sarcastic fashion in episode two.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Felisa said...

Hee...Han Solo, TOTALLY.

I'm with you on the Bermuda Triangle thing. That, or this is the land to which all things go that have lost their internal compasses...the polar bear, the pilot. Which, come to think of the Bermuda Triangle is all about. Big duh.


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