Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

We always hurt the ones we love

I just remembered that I clocked Chris in the face last night. We were sleeping back-to-back and both decided to turn over at the same time. Somewhere in my attempt to heave myself around, I smacked him right in the nose. Hard enough that his hand flew to his face and he groaned the groans of a man whose wife just punched him for no good reason while they were both asleep. I remember stroking his ear (?) and making concerned noises, but really, I was thinking to myself—I was still mostly asleep!—“Shhh…I’m trying to sleep.” I felt guilty for not being more awake and concerned, but hey, there was no blood and he wasn’t crying.

The funny thing is, I feel more guilty about this than about the time I woke up and “accidentally” elbowed Chris in the head—kinda hard—because I’d dreamt that he pissed me off and I was still mad when I woke up.

All of my eggs just committed suicide.


At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is just more evidence that you need a bed of a decent size!!

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did the same thing to my husband recently. Our toddler (14 months) sometimes ends up in bed with us in the night. . .if she's teething, if it's hot, if she woke up and was lonely, etc. Anyway, unbeknownst to me, husband had relocated her back to the crib. I woke when I sensed she wasn't beside me and in feeling around for her, got my husband right in the face.


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