Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Friday, April 08, 2005

And this is want I want to post today

I'm still too tired and discombobulated from work and life to post anything coherent and meaningful about our wedding. But I wanted to tell these two stories:

Story #1: The Electric Slide, Really!
Our wedding reception turned out to be a big party, just like we wanted. No one was shy about dancing, which warmed the cockles of my heart. I had explicity forbade a money dance, the chicken dance, and a conga line (though a conga line formed spontaneously, which...okay!), but I was powerless in the face of a veritable phalanx of Chinese parents doing the Electric Slide! I don't even know what I was doing, but I remember turning around and seeing an ARMY of middle-aged Chinese people grimly and doggedly line dancing! It was so totally weird and so totally awesome. Someone pointed out that they didn't even look like they were enjoying themselves, like doing a 70s disco move was a CHORE, but by God, they were going to do it! And do it, they did...forEVER. I think it was the longest song in the history of weddings, and they kicked and hitched and scooted for every last beat. Apparently, even our otherwise cool DJ was powerless against the pull of the Electric Slide and started doing it on stage. That, my friends, is FREAKIN' AWESOME!

Story #2: Not really a story, but it's about cake, so yay!
I loved our cake. On Rita's recommendation, we eschewed the traditional, dense cake and went for a light chiffon number from King's Hawaiian (yes, that King's Hawaiian!): chocolate cake with a filling of fresh strawberries and dobash (basically, chocolate pudding). Yum! The bakers left it basically unadorned: the square tiers had clusters of Swiss dots, but that's it. Our florist, however, waved her magic flower wand and poof! Gorgeous! Roses and gardenias on each tier, rose petals scattered around it. So, we go to do our cake cutting, pick up the knife and server, and come face to face with the reality that: we don't know how to do this. It sounds stupid, right? I mean, how many birthday cakes and such have each of us cut in our lifetimes? Plenty! And yet, faced with this beautiful confection, both of us were like, "Uhh..." So we just dove in and kind of...mauled...a corner of the bottom tier. It was kind of sad...this beautiful creation and we're sort of grimly hacking away at it. Finally, we each gouged out a semi-respectable chunk and just kind of shoveled it in each other's mouths. Turns out, there was almost no cake in those bites: just a huge gob of icing. Sadly, neither of us thought to actually have a piece of cake, in the end. I heard it was tasty, though.


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