Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

In brief

Wedding: Abso-fucking-lutely amazing.
Honeymoon: Awesome. (Sea turtles!)
Work: Insane
Connecticut's CT1040NR/PY Part-Year resident form: Kicking my ass nine ways to Sunday.

I've been meaning to post about the wedding, but we went on our honeymoon, drove our married selves and cats back to San Francisco this past Sunday, and went back to work. Oh, and Chris got a horrific case of food poisoning on Monday (if you've never heard Chris vomit, consider yourself--and your eardrums--lucky). Neither of us has unpacked our suitcases, the apartment is in shambles, our tax returns are in various states of doneness, Carlo's getting more manic by the second, and work has taken some interesting turns that will mean spending a goodly amount of non-work time reading and learning about work stuff. Oh, and my 30th birthday is coming up, as is Mae's, though she has promised to die of alcohol poisoning on her day, so I have to add "cart Mae's drunk ass to the E.R. on the 16th" to my to-do list. Hi Mae!

But, a post-wedding recap and pictures are forthcoming. Y'all, it rocked my socks off. Literally!


At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I am turning twenty-ten, thank you very much.


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