Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I just had a weird experience in the bathroom at work. Our toilets have that auto-flush function, which, for the record, I am opposed to. Normally, they work well enough, though they are low-flow toilets, and often require two flushes to get rid of everything, which seems to defeat the purpose of having low-flow to begin with. Anyway, I digress. So I was sitting there, doing my thing (okay, I was pooping) when suddenly, the toilet flushed! While I was sitting on it! I find this somewhat alarming and terribly disconcerting. First, you have to worry about backsplash, because it happens and you don't necessarily want to still be sitting on the toilet when it does. And second, what in the world triggered the sensor that tells the toilet to flush? I'm just…sitting! Did a hand come out the back of my head like in the commercials for that creepy, new Sarah Michelle Gellar movie, "The Grudge" and wave at the sensor? (And speaking of poop, poor SMG--life after Buffy hasn't been so good. One might say her career is in the toilet.) And then it happened again! And again! Three times that toilet flushed while I was sitting there doing my thing (okay, pooping). I understand the concept of the courtesy flush, but isn't that something I get to decide, not the toilet? Is the toilet making some sort of statement??

Okay, I promise that's the last time I ever blog about poop. Not that I really talked about poop, per se. I talked about the toilet. But I was pooping at the time. It's been brought to my attention that I talk about poop a lot in my offline life, much to my father's dismay. Poor man, to be stuck with three women who talk about poop. A lot.

I should check my search stats after this posting.


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