Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My fabulous Christmas plans

We're off tonight to the frozen tundra known as Ohio. Chris and I are spending Christmas with his family. This is the first Christmas I've ever spent away from my family--I feel weirdly guilty about it. They live in a tiny town, so I suspect it will be four days of movies and Scrabble, which is definitely not a bad vacation. If I'm lucky, we'll get to go to the Mennonite/Amish store where I can gawk at composting toilets and those crazy Amish coming-of-age novels. If I hit the jackpot, I might encounter some Amish kids on rumspringa! Don't be jealous of my fabulous life, though. It's not becoming.

Happy holidays!


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