Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Less than daily, more than never

I thought about signing up for Holidailies again this year, but I don't think I'm going to do it. Chris and I will be in Ohio for Christmas and I'm not guaranteed daily Internet access there (at least not whenever I want it). And I'll be in Las Vegas for the first week of January for CES, so that's time lost there, too. But I am going to try to pull myself out of this cycle of "not posting-feeling guilty-being frozen by guilt and therefore not posting even more" and get back to writing something here at least a couple times a week. And look! Three times this week alone!
Last week, we went to Southern California to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It was one of the best visits ever, but was preceded by one of the worst nights ever. I was going to visit Shannon on Tuesday night and I needed to move the car for street cleaning anyway, so I figured I'd drive. Walked out to where I had parked the car on Sunday and ... no car. Yep, our car was thieved by thieving bitches. Naturally, I walked around for about 15 minutes, running over the past two days' events in my head and checking that Chris hadn't moved the car and forgotten to tell me. Sadly, the car is really gone. We're in limbo right now, waiting to see if SFPD will find it, and hoping we don't have to buy a new used car. On the onr hand, a four-door, automatic would be nice. On the other, this car was totally paid off and had been since before Chris and I met. It was basically a free car: 10 years old, no engine problems, needed nothing more than regular maintenance and gas. And it was little (easy to park) and a Saturn (dings? what dings?). That is to say, it was the perfect San Francisco car. Luckily, we had nothing of value in the car, other than a few CDs.

Once we wrapped our minds around that and got a rental car, we had a great four-day weekend. My sister, Stella, and I were in charge of the big dinner and if I do say so myself, we rocked it. Instead of turkey, we grilled (and by we, I mean, we ordered our dad and Chris to grill) a dozen Cornish game hens, but everything else was fairly traditional. The rest of the weekend was filled with old friends, Karaoke Revolution, drinking, and all-'round fun. Even the cats seemed to enjoy the trip, because it turns out, good suspension makes for a smoother, more comfortable ride! Who knew (aside from everybody)?!


At 3:31 AM, Blogger dan said...

Isn't that the car Chris spun out on the ice and smashed into an embankment while I was in the back seat? Hmmm, it made it all the way back to California. Maybe it was made out of the same stuff they made as the cyborg in Terminator II.

It is horrible to have stuff stolen but I'm sure you guys will bounce back (and drive a more comfortable car in the future)


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