Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kung-fu baby

For the first time, we felt Ptery kicks this morning. I think I've been feeling her move around for a couple of weeks now, but I couldn't say for sure. Some of the sensations have been just light and fluttery, and I couldn't tell if it was her or just normal intestinal movement. But this morning, as I was lying on my back in bed, I felt a definite little thump under my belly button. I put my hand on the spot, and lo and behold I could feel the next little bump, not only internally, but against my hand, too! I grabbed Chris's hand and put it on the same spot and he felt the next few little kicks, as well. She was doing a one-girl kung-fu demonstration, it seems. Either that, or she thought it was about time I got out of bed (it was). It's so cool to have this kind of evidence that she's growing in there.

Speaking of growing, it's high time I went and bought some maternity pants. My work pants have been getting steadily more snug in the waist, though they fit fine everywhere else. I've resorted to using hair elastics to secure several of them (through the buttonhole and around the button), but even that is getting precarious. It'll feel good to have something stretchier around my belly, I think. I was looking at some maternity clothes online and the maternity pants with the full belly panel crack me up. They make the model look like those old men with their pants pulled up to their armpits. Heh.

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