Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Death by bread

I am awash in bread products right now. No, really. They're taking over my kitchen. I don't know what happened. It all started innocently enough...I thought it would be nice to bake some bread. Now look what's happened. I've got a challah loaf that's threatening to eat my cat for dinner and the two baguettes teamed up to stage a coup. Their first order of business was to abandon their baguette-y shapes and morph into some monstrous Frankenloaf, all the better to consume the cat, my kitchen, and me. Then an army of chocolate chip meringues set up base camp on my countertop and cleverly used today's humidity to torture me by becoming soft and squishy. Egads! Save yourselves. It's too late for me.

(And I just noticed that in two of the pictures, you can see the meringue troops lurking in the corners. That's how they did it! They ambushed me with their non-crispiness! Damn sneaky egg whites. (Everett...we been bush-wacked!))


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