Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Friday, December 17, 2004

Creeping towards the weekend

Today was possibly the longest work day in the history of work days. People have already left for holiday vacations and everything is just winding down, ever so slowly. The hours creeped by, too. I could feel my eyelids drooping and every fiber of my being was crying out for a nap, oh god, just a 20 minute nap. This does not bode well for next Wednesday. The saving grace is that our company is decent enough to shut its doors from December 24 through January 3. And not count it towards our vacation time.

To kickstart the weekend, I made a to-do list. I think I like making lists more than I like doing the things on the list. But I also really enjoy crossing things off said list, which doesn't jive well with not liking the doing part. Anyway, I made a to-do list and I almost started up again with the hysterical laughter (that's been happening a lot lately). Aside from Christmas shopping, there's a crapload of wedding stuff to do, not to mention work and cleaning and digging a hole into which I can crawl and wait out the next 100 days.

But there are things to look forward to: a friend's birthday dinner on Saturday and an afternoon of "daft games" at the beach with other friends on Sunday. I've never run a three-legged race with Chris before, but we are quite adept at maneuvering the field of live mines that is our apartment when it's kitty feeding time. The cats streak back and forth so fast it looks like we have a herd of cats. Have you ever jumped double-dutch? It's like that. Knowing where and when to hop is crucial, lest we end up with squished cats. Anyway, we've got that race in the bag.

And the weekend begins in 3…2…1….


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