Smile, bitches!
Anyone who says that animals don't feel a range of emotions has obviously never had one. They get petulant and angry when I don't let them chew on plastic bags, they get irritated when I mess with their paws too much, and when we've been gone too long, they're extra lovey-dovey. We try, I think, to respect them as individuals by leaving them alone when they're feeling anti-social or indulging them in extra scritches when they need attention. That said, we are not above laughing our asses off at them either, even if it means they run away in embarassment. People, we are only human! And neither are we above doing things to them that cause us to laugh our asses off. Exhibits A and B: Operation Cat Grimace. Note: no cats were harmed in the production of these photos.* Egos aside, I mean.
*You too can do this! Just lightly grasp the whiskers on either side of their little snouts and...not tug, exactly, but just pull ever so gently, like you're straightening out or grooming their whiskers. They can't help but bare their teeth. Also, please note Vinny's extreme overbite. His fangs don't normally fit in his closed mouth. He's my little vampire.