Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One month later...

(Psst...I was too tired to post last night, so let's just pretend the date up there says "Tuesday, March 14, 2006," okay? Thanks.)

Wow, it's like I fell off the face of the earth, huh? A whole month without posting, but I come bearing pie. Well, pictures of pie, at least. A few people reminded me it was Pi(e) Day, so I baked pie after work. Since it's just me and Chris at home, I decided to make a few mini pies instead of one big one. Behold! A tin of 6 mini pies, all filled with peaches and blueberries.

Making all these mini pies was actually way easier than I expected. But they were just as tasty as I'd hoped. Here's a peek at their juicy insides:

And here's a happy Chris, urging me to hurry up and take the picture. There is pie to be devoured!

Happy Pi(e) Day!