Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Manic Monday

Oo-oh, wish it was a Sunday!

Actually, yes and no. Yesterday (Sunday) was an eventful day, both good and bad. Which do you want first? Okay, I'll give you the bad, because the good is soooo good.

The Bad: I was testing a product for work and it killed our laptop, our one and only computer. I downloaded the software from the CD-ROM and restarted, per the software prompt's directions, and our OS went bye-bye. Darling Mike spent the majority of his day either on the phone with Chris or at our house trying to figure out the problem, but unfortunately, no dice. It seems that something in the software is squashing the OS, not allowing it to boot up. Believe me, this is going in the review!

The Good: A couple of good things. I attended my first 'Mas, hosted by the inimitable Miss Shannon, maker of extraordinary soup, divine pesto, and superlative brownies'n'ice cream. Wine was drunk, cheese was fawned over (and promptly devoured), and there was much talk of asses (owing to the Scorpio). In fact, I think we dubbed the night "Assmas" in the end. The second good thing—SO GOOD—is that Chris and I are pleased to announce the arrival of our second feline son: Carlo the Great. In fact, he is not so big: he's a baby at 5 months. He is wee and black, but he is loud. You know how people look at kids or dogs and say, "Wow, he will be big—look at his feet!"? I'm afraid that Carlo will grow into his meow because it is not a meow, it is a MEOW! In the sense of, "HEY! WHY AM I LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM WHEN THERE'S SO MUCH TO BE SEEN OUT THERE?! HEEEY!!!" I would post pictures from our digital camera, but see "The Bad." But he's adorable and a little love-bunny and so far, he is standing his ground against big brother Vinny. Vin let loose a few good hisses and growls, but mostly, he seems curious and bemused by the little one. It's cute to watch Vin reach out tentatively with a paw to tap Carlo on the head. And oh boy, this Carlo, he is a holy terror. Already, he's been racing full-speed up and down the halls (unlike Vin, who hid behind and under things for about a week before exploring his new home). I look forward to and fear the cat races.


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