Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Guess what? I shook Warren Christopher's hand last night! At the Legion of Honor! Cool, eh? Apparently, he's a member of the Order of the Coif, which you would think is a fraternity of hairdressers, but it's not. We were at a law firm alumni function and WC is an alumnus of the firm. Really, I was more fascinated by the tiny, tasty sushi and the incredible dessert buffet in the Rodin room. All the sculpture pedestals had signs that said, "Please do not put food or drink on the pedestals." The thought hadn't occurred to me until I read the sign, and of course, suddenly, all I wanted to do was have one of the Rodin sculptures hold my plate while I fetched another glass of chardonnay.

And this morning, Chris and I came about three feet from getting run over by a car driven by a woman who clearly needs a refresher course in stop signs. She zoomed up to the crosswalk we had just entered--clearly not planning to stop--saw us, and gave the brake pedal a cursory tap before speeding off. Nope, never stopped, even though we had the right of way. Bitch. I'm happy to say I yelled and shook my fist in her general direction.

Work is making me anxious. I can only describe it as being in a canoe that's sprung a leak and said leak is taking in water ever so slightly faster than I can bail it out. It's not full-out panic mode, but there's an ever-present feeling that I should be going just a leetle bit faster. But I'm kind of going balls-out already (yeah, as evidenced by me blogging from work...hey! I'm on my lunch break!). I can only hope that the onslaught will abate some after the first week of January. Mommy...

And finally, just another plug for the thing. If you go to TN's contest page, you can click on the links at the bottom to see what projects the TN readers have fulfilled. Kids are getting copies of Orwell's 1984, clean drinking water, microscopes, learn-to-read kits...YAY!


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