Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but Saturday night, Chris, Mae, and I went out to find a cheap, good place to have dinner. We consulted's Bargain Bites section, where we found an irresistable entry: Goood Frikin'Chicken. Yes, that's right. That's the name of the restaurant. With a name like that, who can refuse? So we went and guess what we had? That's right my friends, goood frikin' chicken. Note the extra O in good. It's really that good!

Vinny and Carlo are starting to put up with each other. They're so different. Carlo is fearless, lunging at Vinny when the mood strikes, climbing all over and under everything in the apartment, and my god, that kitten is demanding! I changed my mind: he's not a meower, he's a yeller. He's the yelliest cat I've ever known. I was in the shower this morning (and I had him locked in the bathroom with me because I didn't want to have to charge out of the shower dripping wet and soapy every 5 minutes to break up their hissyfits) and he started up again: yellin', hollerin', just generally making a racket like he'd drowned his little babies in the river. Finally, thinking that he was in some kind of trouble, I peeked find him scratching and covering his shit in the litterbox. People, he yells when he shits. This is my new cat. Behold his greatness.


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