Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Please explain to me...

Seriously, I'm not sure what pains me more: the fact that Bush was re-elected and we have to endure another four years of this…this…blight (and I'll let Mark Morford speak for me on this one), or the fact that in not a single of the 11 states that had proposals for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage did the majority of the populace see fit to regard gay adults as just plain old people, people who fall in love and have children and pay taxes and want to be able to visit their husbands or wives when they're in the hospital or know that their families are provided for in case anything bad happens to them. I realize I'm probably preaching to the choir and that I'm not saying anything new, but from a purely emotional standpoint (never mind the politics and legal issues), I cannot comprehend how some people (apparently, the majority of people) can pass moral judgement on other people's relationships. Because I would be willing to bet everything I have on the idea that most of the people who voted for the constitutional bans didn't do so because they feared it would cost the states more or that it would destroy the legal system, but that they voted with their hearts. And their hearts are hard, cold, and without empathy. I just don't get it.


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