Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Friday, February 04, 2005

The most modest of mice

Seven weeks. SEVEN WEEKS. GAH! At least I got my time off approved, and the bosses are being nice about me working remotely the week before the wedding, which is a huge help. Chris and I are leaving for L.A. tonight, driving this time, AND with both cats! Fun as a barrel of monkeys! That scream and have claws! Woo! It's gonna be awesome. No, really.

Chris and I went to see Modest Mouse in Berkeley last night. It was a good show (would've been better without the horrible opening bands), but after they finished their set, they took their sweet, sweet time coming back for an encore. So long that Chris and I walked out halfway through the first encore song (maybe the only) in order to catch BART back to the city. I can see the band needing a break and all, but I think some bands stretch it out to milk all the longing and cheering and stamping and screaming from the audience. Wouldn't it be awesome if just once, the audience cheered and clapped for a couple of minutes and then were like, "Eh, whatever," and LEFT? And the band was left standing there, all "Whaa?" Yeah, that'd be awesome. Hee.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Lucky ducks :) I'd like to see them in concert one of these days!


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