Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tagged: Five by five

I was a little bored at work today, so I did the 5x5 meme that Irvin tagged me for. Unfortunately, my answers are not nearly as exciting as his. (And speaking of 5x5, Faith on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" used the phrase, "I'm five by five" and I never understood it. Can anyone clarify for me?)

Five items in my freezer
- Homemade frozen foods (I went on a bender one weekend and made tons of food): meatballs, lasagnes, wontons, Chinese dumplings. I also had some frozen chicken stock in an ice cube tray until just this past Sunday. Chris has been asking me for months now about my plans for the chicken cubes (as they were occupying one of only two ice cube trays we own) and I kept blithely saying, "I'll get 'em outta there" but not doing it. I walked into the kitchen on sunday to find Chris standing at the sink and rinsing out an ice cube all the frozen chicken stock cubes swirled down the drain. "What...are...why?!" I stuttered. Chris looked at me, all innocence (truly), and said, "I finally decided to take care of them like you said you would but never did!" Poor guy. He looked crushed when I explained that I meant to transfer them to a Ziploc freezer bag. I couldn't even be upset because he looked so sorry and. And he really did think that I meant to just throw them away.
- Frozen veggies of all kinds: shelled edamame, unshelled edamame, corn, peas
- A wee bottle of Skyy vodka
- Convenience foods: Trader Joe's stuff, Hot Pockets, uncooked seafood and meat
- Ice cream!

Five items in the closet (my closet)
- My sewing kit: scissors, thread, needles, buttons, etc.
- Tons of fabric and scraps
- My knitting supplies: needles, rulers, stitch markers, crochet hooks, and tons of yarn
- Boxes of stuff I can't bear to throw away, but that I have no real use for either: knick-knacks, trinkets, little toys
- Most of my purses

Five items in the car (I haven't seen/been in our car in over 2 weeks now, so this is what I can pull from memory)
- A mix tape from Hannah
- A brake/clutch lock (like the Club)
- The box and user manual for the digital camera my parents gave us
- A pair of too-big Teva-type sandals from a rafting trip we went on last summer
- A bunch of trash in the trunk

Five items in my purse
- My green Creative Zen Vision:M portable audio player
- White Teeth by Zadie Smith
- A three-compartment pill case containing Excedrin, aspirin, and Wal-profen
- Two slim notebooks for jotting down, well, notes
- All the standard stuff: keys, sunglasses, wallet, phone

Five people I tag
- Stella
- Julie
- Hannah
- Dan
- Chris


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Eat the Love said...

Ha! I'm glad you got the 5x5 BUFFY reference!

If you run out and get the trashy buffy inspired book GO ASK MALICE, it's a "diary" of the early days of FAITH. And apparently they explain where the phrase come from.

I was waiting for the SF library to buy it to check it out, but it might be even too trashy for them to get.

So I'm contemplating getting it for the airplane ride back to the mdiwest. We'll see if I stoop that low - I have yet to read a Buffy novel that wasn't EXCEEDINGLY horrible.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Rita said...

Hm . . .

I read somewhere it was a military saying?

I've only read "official" Buffy books, with factoids and quotes from the show. Those other books just aren't pure.

At 5:45 PM, Blogger dan said...

gonna have to decline the tag as I have nothing remotely interesting in any of those locations

5 by 5 is a radio saying - means "loud and clear". Not sure why Faith thinks it means "I'm fine" - maybe it has something to do with her bad boston accent or the fact that she was overshadowed by the mayor who was much cooler. Bring back the mayor!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Felisa said...

Dan, I had no idea you were a Buffy fan! You gain even more esteem in my eyes.


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