Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Annoying people

Oops...didn't post yesterday after all. (Well, aside from posting the previous day's entry.) Nothing exciting to report..."worked" then flew down to Southern California. Witnessed an Amazing Race-worthy couple at the airport (by which I mean "insane"). The guy was fidgety and had a lot of nervous energy, while the girl was trying to read a book. She had her legs across his lap, so every time he fidgeted, her book would bounce around and the whole thing just pissed her off. So she'd go off on him about the fidgeting and he'd say "I can't sit still. I think I'll go for a walk," to which she'd say no and tell him to just calm the fuck down. Repeat ad nauseum. Yeah, I couldn't understand it either.

Braved the day before Christmas Eve crowds with my sister today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I'd expected, but I did get confirmation for how much the salespeople at Macy's suck. I walked up to the counter, holding an item I wanted to purchase. The two salesgirls were talking to another customer, but only one of them could ring her up, right? So the other one could help me, right? Apparently not so much. Instead, I stood there for about a minute staring at the second salesgirl while she stood around watching the first salesgirl deal with the other customer. I had to actually say, "I'd like to buy these earrings now." Whatever happened to "Can I help you with anything?" or "Would you like me to ring those up for you?" God. And bah humbug.


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