Silly me, what was I thinking?

Random musings that Chris and the cats don't want to hear anymore...

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Bunny no go boom

This from the site today: Lucky Bunny Escapes Explosive Demise. Some asshole teenager (a lifeguard, no less) and his friends thought it was a good idea to strap dynamite to his pet bunny and throw her into a lake in Castro Valley. When the dynamite didn't explode, they fished her out because they didn't want her to drown (go figure), and contemplated lighting the fuse again. My favorite part is this quote from the owner/bastard: "I think that a lot of people are judging us without really knowing us at all. It's really bothering me." Dude. You strapped dynamite to your rabbit. I think I know everything I need to know about you. And stay the fuck away from my Vinny.

The best part? The only reason any of this even came to the attention of authorities is because one of the dumbasses took pictures and posted them on his blog! Mean and stupid. Maybe they'll eventually win themselves a Darwin award.


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